On the morning of 21st May 2023, Oryx Universal College in partnership with Liverpool John Moores University shook hands with Education Above All (EAA) over the official signing of a partnership aimed towards the creation of new opportunities and transformation of the lives of underprivileged youth, particularly in the developing world.
EAA has been monumental in its contributions to facilitating access to quality education. Founded in 2012 by her Highness Sheikha Moza Bint Nasser, EAA envisions bringing new life chances, real hope, and opportunities to improve the lives of underprivileged and marginalised children, youth, and women, especially in the developing world.

The partnership between OUC and EAA is the outcome of months of discussions and planning. On this momentous occasion, Talal Al Hothal, Director of Al Fakhoora Programme of EAA, and Abdulla Al Bakri, Engagement Manager of Al Fakhoora Programme, joined the signing event held at Oryx Universal College. Al Fakhoora’s programmes work to ensure the right to higher education for youth in conflict-affected regions. These programmes provide a Higher Education Scholarship model that brings together all moving pieces and facets of their academic journey at this level.
Azmy Ameer, President of OUC, emphasised the significance of engaging young talents who possess the potential to instigate positive change within their communities. Recognising the role education plays in uplifting society, he expressed the university’s commitment to providing opportunities for high school students from lower income households to access quality education in Qatar.
Talal Al Hothal, Director of Al Fakhoora Programme, spoke passionately about EAA’s mission to reach out to vulnerable communities. He underlined the significance of education in empowering individuals and communities, highlighting the potential for creating a brighter future through the partnership between OUC and EAA.

One of the key outcomes of this partnership will be the provision of full scholarships to selected students who are residents of Qatar and meet specific criteria. Details of the scholarship program will be announced soon, providing deserving students from low-income households with the opportunity to pursue British higher education in Qatar without the financial burden becoming the constraint to progress.
This partnership aligns with the core values of both Oryx Universal College and Education Above All, emphasising the importance of education as a powerful tool for social progress. By joining forces, the institutions reaffirm their commitment to promoting equitable access to quality education and fostering a brighter future for all. As for OUC, as a purpose driven future focused university education provider, this is a key milestone in “the pursuit to discover the sustainable future by incubating positive minds.”